Designing a Better World

With enrollment down over the pandemic, Parsons School Of Design wanted to create a manifesto video that would inspire prospective students while showcasing existing work.

We worked with the executive leadership team to create a script that would show the world what Parsons stood for. And what their students were doing.

Anthem Video

Your Future Starts Here

Every year The New School creates Viewbooks for all 6 of their colleges. Parsons also releases their annual re:D magazine.

Working with partners, we created the copy used in layout, and were responsible for overseeing all editorial reviews in design. And yes, all Viewbooks were not just written on time, but printed too.


Education for Everyone

With so many business schools now offering design programs, Parsons wanted to rebrand their executive education program in order to stand out in the market and capture more attention.

We collaborated with stakeholders to create a distinct and impactful brand voice that set them apart from their competition while aligning to Parsons’ overall brand tone of voice.
